What is Family Remittance?

 Remittance is the amount of money sent by ex-pats from one country to another. The question might come to mind why people left their families and starts living in abroad. They do it because they want to enhance the living standard of themselves and their families. Family remittance is money sent by an overseas to directly the home country to support its family. To live abroad and experience a new culture is not as easy as it looks. Some compulsions and poor lifestyles urge people to live abroad to earn and support families.

Remit Choice

Overseas are the force of laborers, workers, doctors, and many other professionals who work overseas. They mostly belong to under-developed countries. The ex-pats are real boosters and supporters of the economies of countries worldwide. The movement of money from country to country helps them to grow and stand independent. All governments should develop policies that support the role of these hard workers and value their services.

According to some factual data for 2020, 281 Million people are living other than in their homes.  And total remittance in half of 2021 was $586 Billion which is a 7.3% increase of total worldwide remittances in 2020. For example, companies in the remittance industry charge 1% as charges for money transfers. And these companies make around about 5.86B in their pockets.

Best Family Remittance service

As it is mentioned above companies are looting the hard earn money of ex-pats. But a company that is specific with its customer-oriented services is Remit choice. This company does not get any kind of benefit from remittance but awards customers back with more money. Remit choice offers services at the best exchange rates and charges zero fees for every transaction. So, send money to families back home through Remit choice and support fully to enhance their living standards.




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