Impact of Drought and Desertification on our lives

 We are going through an era where water is becoming a rare substance on earth. Water is a necessity for the survival of every species on the earth. Such it is equally important for the earth to stay healthy and produce eatable for us. But during a few previous centuries, the assets of drinkable water drained out gradually. Now it has reached an alarmingly low level that was never before. If the situation goes on like this then there is no doubt about the end of water on earth.

Impact of Drought and Desertification on our lives

Reasons for Drought and Desertification:

Various reasons are behind the drought of land turning healthy land into deserts. Survival of every living specie becoming tough and tough with the passage of time. Global warming causes drought and it eventually leads our land to desertification. Humans also play their part in the wear and tear of earth. Atomic wars are the biggest threat to our earth as one atomic attack can not only destroy everything in a specific area but also impacts the lives of humans in distant areas. 

Impact on Human Lives:

Droughts are not only dangerous for under-developed countries but it is also increasing in developed areas too. They affect badly living species, especially humans due to the bad impact of drought, humans have to shift from that area. Otherwise surviving and living a good life will be much more difficult. If we do not combat droughts timely then in near future our lands will become a dry desert. The burden to find a good place to live instead of drought-hit places increased and it enhances the movement towards other areas of countries which is not bearable by governments with a lack of funds.

It is time to support the initiative started by the UN and do combine efforts to save our land from more wear and tear. Because it is the question of the survival of our future generations. Otherwise, the near future will be tougher. 



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