Everything is achievable

 It's in the nature of humans that they always seek to achieve their dreams. Some of them achieve it by continuous hard work and some of them just think it in their imagination. A day is observed on the 14th of April, to motivate everyone to reach as high as you can. A general message is conveyed on this day that “everything is achievable”.

No one by birth is a real-time hero, once the goal is set patience, time, a strong personality, and a clear stance are required. An example must be written to completely understand the struggle behind the biggest achievement.

Achievement of a Black person in a discriminative society

Nelson Mandela is considered the hero for blacks who raise their voice for equal rights for them like white people. Worldwide acceptance is not an easy task but Mandela with his continuous struggle faces many difficulties and was jailed for almost 27 years and beaten multiple times but he never took his stance back. The more than 50 years of difficult period eventually he becomes the first black president of South Africa.  

It was a dream of humans to fly like birds in the air but it happens in real this was achieved due to continuous work years to years that was a collective effort of people. Now flying in the air is possible with the help of machinery but a man can also achieve glory by staying within the limits set by the GOD. 

If you believe in yourself everything is possible. You can become a worldwide real hero in the coming time, all you need to set a goal and implement it by putting all the energy and effort into it. There is the possibility of multiple hurdles that might come your way but stay strong and act like a real hero, whose name will be remembered for a long time. This is the time to achieve glory in your life so start working on your life goals now. And make everything achievable.


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